Friday, May 13, 2011

Working thru suffering, bridges out and 2Cor1

13May Chris in Chula Vista

Well, things have been tough these last few weeks. Lori had sinus surgery in late April, and it's mid-May and she's still having a hard time recovering. She's still suffering, and try to get a good night's sleep. I'm trying to keep up on all that needs doin'.

So, I've been meditating on suffering, 'cuz we're in the middle of it. I know that minds way greater than I have tried to unpack "why do we suffer?"... and "why?" comes up alot when in the middle of it.

I've been looking at 2Corinthians Ch 1, and how St Paul indicates that suffering will flow in our lives, but also the Comfort of God (v5: For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows) will flow... and overflow... into the lives of people afterword.

I remember how the bridge on the Mex 1 was washed out in that spring 2010 flood just north of San Vicente. Major suffering. Tough times...
... which resulted in the community pulling together, people figuring out how to make it together, building stronger community bonds AND a much better bridge built afterword (thanks to the Mex Govt) Tough times, good outcome.

I hate suffering. It's hard to see Lori suffering. Tough times. Yes, there's been some comfort, but still in the middle of it...

I'm looking at 2Cor Ch1, and the memories of the bridge washed out... looking for Comfort to flow... and trusting for a Glorious outcome through Jesus Christ...

pray for us, Chris