Thursday, June 6, 2019

Got Email? (you may need to respond to this...)

6 June 2019

Hello, BajMission Blog readers!

 SO, we are making a shift in our digital communications.
We will be blogging LESS on BajMission Blog.
We will be sending out a MONTHLY Baj Mission Email update, which will essentially be a 'mini-Monthly Newsletter'.
This update will, as named, be sent out BY EMAIL.
SO, IF you receive our Emails now, you SHOULD have the June 2019 Update in your InBox.

If you DON"T receive our Emails, and would like to read the stories and updates that we USED to post on the Blog... PLEASE send your Email address to be added to the List:

^^^SEND TO^^^

We WILL be putting WAY more pictures up on our Instagram, and those pics automatically feed over to Facebook, SO there should be a stream of visual updates with bits of the stories through those two on-line venues: 


Instagram:    @bajmission

 Overall, we are just trying to spend 'adequate' time doing on-line reporting, and MORE time actually out with people in Baja Mexico, doing... umm... ministry...


(here's the Update bit we just sent out via Email, to help you fill the gap...)

“BEEP! BEEP!” (Zoom!)
We are SO amazed at the incredible things that GOD did these past few months in the lives of the people in San Vicente, Baja Mexico...
   --we saw ‘redemptive friendships’ emerge and great encouragement come out of the Sewing Outreach, as well as FOUR ministries working together to hold the week-long event
   --some fantastic times during the Kidz Outreach (while their mums were sewing) where children were able to taste some Kingdom FUN in singing, worship and crafts
   --the ‘new launch’ of the Oral Rehydration Education... (it’s being re-vamped and re-booted)
   --some awesome connections to encourage and equip two ‘Lead Worshippers’ in Mexican churches
   --two distinct opportunities of personal ministry that brought significant break-through of God’s Grace and Healing to people
   --and SO many more ‘God-stories’!

We’ve also been blessed as missionaries with God’s wonderful provision...
   --our ministry vehicle getting much-needed work (brakes, tires, tune-up)
   --our Ministry Center getting some construction and clean-up attention
   --the ability to attend a Worship conference in LA, then a two-day mountain-camp retreat for prayer and reflection, seeking the Lord for His Voice moving forward

Looking forward to a busy and effective summer 2019!
Chris and Lori

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