Monday, February 8, 2010

Where there is a will, there is a way. News from Jan 23-25

Town's people gather at the site hoping that the bridge is stable enough for trucks to cross soon. Rains that created a flash flood in the early 1980's, took out the bridge and it was over 2 months before it was completed. News like that has us being careful of usage of our resources.

Wow! A disaster sure can bring all the local farms together. Semis filled with produce are stranded and they need to get their fruits and vegetables north. So, heavy equipement has been streaming in to back fill the eroded soil. For 3 days now, dump trucks have been moving soil from the adjoining hills into the river bed. It's pretty exciting seeing all the locals working together and not waiting till the goverment can send help.

We found out today that about 400 people are being housed at the local schools because of not being able to return to their homes because of flooded roads or their homes have been damaged. We were able to bless them with 72 pairs of socks, about 25 sweatshirts and T-shirts and lots of hats to help out. Glad we had some items that we immediately needed.

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