Thursday, May 17, 2012

Mothers' Day in Mexico

Mothers' Day in Mexico is celebrated on May 10th, but the party can last for days. This year the festivities started on Wed. during the evening church service. When I arrived, a handmade pin was handed out while I was ushered to the front of the church where all the other mothers were seated. The next hours were filled with sharings, songs and scriptures honoring moms. Then Thursday afternoon, 20 mothers from the church gathered for a trip to the "city" about 1 1/2 hours north of San Vicente where we enjoyed a Chinese buffet and walking along the beach. Families had pulled together pesos to send moms off to the relaxing day. On Saturday, the town's park hosted traditional Mexican dancing, prizes, and a meal. The celebration ended with a band playing into the night hours. Yes, we could hear the music from our home several blocks away. Mexico goes all out to honor moms.

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