Monday, March 4, 2019

Finally... ABOVE average rainfall!!

March 4, 2019


Average rainfall for our San Diego-North Baja Mexico region is set at 7.2 inches from October 1 to April 30.

Some areas of our crazy region, particularly the high-desert mesa regions (chapparal biome) run 3 to 3.5 inches/year.

We looked at Mexican government data last year, and our San Vicente region averaged out 3.6 inches/year over the last 40 years.

Last rainy season (2017-2018) , we only received 1.8 inches (yes, the Mex govt has a hydrometer in San Vicente).

Guess what?? RIGHT NOW, we are at almost 130% of normal rainfall!

San Diego is well over 10 inches of rain for the Oct-Apr season. We won't receive the Mex govt data for a couple of months, but we are SURE it's right up there... we've been there, the mud is ankle-deep, some roads are totally im-passable, and we've had to do significant 'seal up' work on the Ministry Center/House.

Oh, yeah... GREEN can be seen everywhere... not the usual brown-brown-brown...

Yes, Lord! You've sent the physical rain... send Holy Spirit rain in a Revival and Visitation in San Vicente!


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